MI, MN, WI: Q-Poll shows gains for McCain but Obama still leads
From a new Quinnipiac University/Wall Street Journal/ WashingtonPost.Com Poll press release:
Arizona Sen. John McCain has inched ahead of Illinois Sen. Barack Obama in Colorado; come within inches in Minnesota and narrowed the gap in Michigan and Wisconsin, according to four simultaneous Quinnipiac University polls of likely voters in these battleground states, conducted in partnership with The Wall Street Journal and washingtonpost.com and released today.Individual state results, samples and margins of error (polls conducted July 14-22):
Voters in each state say energy policy is more important than the war in Iraq. And by margins of 22 to 31 percentage points, voters in each state support offshore oil drilling, and by seven to 12-point margins, drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge.
Sen. McCain has picked up support in almost every group in every state, especially among independent voters and men voters. The Republican now leads Obama among independent voters in Michigan and Minnesota.
# Michigan: Obama tops McCain 46 - 42 percent; 1,684 Michigan likely voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.4 percent;
# Minnesota: Obama ahead 46 - 44 percent; 1,261 Minnesota likely voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.8 percent;
# Wisconsin: Obama leads McCain 50 - 39 percent; 1,094 Wisconsin likely voters with a margin of error of +/- 3 percent.
Read the full poll press release for more on the results