OH: U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones in critical condition
Democratic U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, the first black woman to represent Ohio in Congress, is reported to be in critical condition in an Ohio hospital.
Tubbs Jones, 58, suffered a burst aneurysm Tuesday night and was found unconscious in her car by a police officer.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer was among a handful of media outlets, including CNN and the Associated Press, to report earlier this afternoon that Tubbs Jones had died. The erroneous news was posted in its Metro news blog, but the post has since been updated to say she is in critical condition.
Here's what the blog said earlier in a post titled "Stephanie Tubbs Jones has died, sources say":
U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, the first African-American woman to represent Ohio in Congress, has died after suffering a brain aneurysm, said sources familiar with the situation.Here's the updated version:
She was removed from life support at 12:19 p.m. at Huron Road Hospital, the sources said.
U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, the first African-American woman to represent Ohio in Congress, is in critical condition after suffering an aneurysm last night, officials said this afternoon.Dem-leaning blogger Lisa Renee from the Toledo-area blog Glass City Jungle commented on the mistaken reports:
I'm torn on stories like this, if it's not clearly known she's really died, doesn't it create more harm to family and friends if it's not true? ... While humor is not always appropriate at a time like this when someone is in critical condition, it was also hard not to think of the Monty Python skit where it's said, "I'm not dead yet." Let's hope Tubbs Jones recovers and is able to tease the media about that…